# Functional Go See `thesis.pdf` for the actual thesis document. That itself links to `thesis/thesis.pdf`. Structure and Files: - `thesis`: contains the latex code plus a pre-compiled version of the document. There are also further tools in that directory that are needed to build the document. - `work`: contains subfolders for practical work that was done. - `common-list-functions`: See the thesis' appendix on what it is. Contains git submodules and a shell script to acquire the results that are described in the thesis. - `examples`: contains different examples of functional Go code. Some code snippets are described in the thesis, some have been developed out of curiosity. - `funcheck`: git submodule that contains the implementation of `funcheck' as described in the thesis. - `go`: git submodule with the Go compiler code. - `proposals`: contains old proposals that where submitted. See Appendix 1 in `thesis.pdf` for more information.