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408 lines
11 KiB
408 lines
11 KiB
5 years ago
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english, % german, english
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\title{Functional Go}
\subtitle{...An Easier Introduction to Functional Programming}
\author{% Komma getrennt
Ramon Rüttimann
\newcommand\twodigits[1]{\ifnum#1<10 0#1\else #1\fi}
\major{Computer Science} % Studiengang
\zhawsemester{Spring 2020}
\zhawlogocolour{pantone2945} % pantone2945, cmyk, sw
\mainsupervisor{Dr. G. Burkert}
\subsupervisor{Dr. K. Rege}
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colorlinks = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
%urlcolor = blue, %Colour for external hyperlinks
linkcolor = blue, %Colour of internal links
citecolor = blue %Colour of citations
\SetupFloatingEnvironment{listing}{name=Source Code,placement=H}
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% Declaration of Originality
\makedeclarationoforiginality % chktex 1
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\label{ch:abstract} % chktex 24
\label{ch:summary} % chktex 24
\label{ch:preface} % chktex 24
\cleardoublepage % chktex 1
\mainmatter % chktex 1
\label{ch:introduction} % chktex 24
\chapter{About Go}
%\IfLanguageName{nswissgerman}{\chapter{Verwandte Arbeit}}{\chapter{Related Work}}
%\label{ch:related-work} % chktex 24
\label{ch:methodology} % chktex 24
\label{ch:implementation} % chktex 24
\label{ch:application} % chktex 24
\label{ch:results} % chktex 24
\label{ch:discussion} % chktex 24
\backmatter % chktex 1
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%\section{Example for Functional Options}\label{appendix:funcopts}
%\captionof{listing}{Functional Options for a simple Webserver}
%\section{Analysis of function occurrences in Haskell code}\label{appendix:function-occurrences}
%The results of the analysis have been aquired by running the following command
%from the root of the git repository\cite{git-repo}:
%./work/common-list-functions/ "map " " : " "fold" "filter " "reverse " "take " "drop " "maximum" "sum " "zip " "product " "minimum " "reduce "
%\section{Mutating variables in Go}\label{appendix:mutation}
%\captionof{listing}{Example on how to mutate complex types in Go}
%\section{Shadowing variables in Go}\label{appendix:shadowing}
%\captionof{listing}{Example on how shadowing works on block scopes}
%\section{Workaround for the missing foldl' implementation in Go}\label{appendix:foldl-go}
%\captionof{listing}{Working around the missing foldl implementation in Go}
%$> fgo run .
%panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
%[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x109e945]
%goroutine 1 [running]:
%main.what(0x2, 0x0, 0x2)
%/tmp/map/main.go:16 +0x5
%/tmp/map/main.go:12 +0x187
%exit status 2
%\section{Prettyprint implementation}\label{appendix:prettyprint-func}
%\captionof{listing}{The original prettyprint implementation}
%\captionof{listing}{The refactored, functional prettyprint implementation}
%package prettyprint
%import (
%var Analyzer = &analysis.Analyzer{
%Name: "prettyprint",
%Doc: "prints positions",
%Run: run,
%type null struct{}
%func checkDecl(as *ast.DeclStmt, fset *token.FileSet) {
%fmt.Printf("Declaration %q: %v\n", render(fset, as), as.Pos())
%check := func(_ null, spec ast.Spec) (n null) {
%val, ok := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec)
%if !ok {
%if val.Values != nil {
%if _, ok := val.Type.(*ast.FuncType); !ok {
%fmt.Printf("\tIdent %q: %v\n", render(fset, val), val.Names[0].Pos())
%if decl, ok := as.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
%_ = foldl(check, null{}, decl.Specs)
%func checkAssign(as *ast.AssignStmt, fset *token.FileSet) {
%fmt.Printf("Assignment %q: %v\n", render(fset, as), as.Pos())
%check := func(_ null, expr ast.Expr) (n null) {
%ident, ok := expr.(*ast.Ident) // Lhs always is an "IdentifierList"
%if !ok {
%fmt.Printf("\tIdent %q: %v\n", ident.String(), ident.Pos())
%switch {
%case ident.Name == "_":
%fmt.Printf("\t\tBlank Identifier!\n")
%case ident.Obj == nil:
%fmt.Printf("\t\tDecl is not in the same file!\n")
%// make sure the declaration has a Pos func and get it
%declPos := ident.Obj.Decl.(ast.Node).Pos()
%fmt.Printf("\t\tDecl %q: %v\n", render(fset, ident.Obj.Decl), declPos)
%_ = foldl(check, null{}, as.Lhs)
%func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
%inspect := func(_ null, file *ast.File) (n null) {
%ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
%switch as := n.(type) {
%case *ast.DeclStmt:
%checkDecl(as, pass.Fset)
%case *ast.AssignStmt:
%checkAssign(as, pass.Fset)
%return true
%_ = foldl(inspect, null{}, pass.Files)
%return nil, nil
%// render returns the pretty-print of the given node
%func render(fset *token.FileSet, x interface{}) string {
%var buf bytes.Buffer
%if err := printer.Fprint(&buf, fset, x); err != nil {
%return buf.String()
%% - Add your appendix here:
%\quad -- Projektmanagement: \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- Offizielle Aufgabenstellung, Projektauftrag \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Zeitplan) \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Besprechungsprotokolle oder Journals) % chktex 8
%\quad -- Weiteres: \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- CD/USB-Stick mit dem vollständigen Bericht als PDF-File inklusive Film- und Fotomaterial \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Schaltpläne und Ablaufschemata) \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Spezifikation u. Datenblätter der verwendeten Messgeräte und/oder Komponenten) \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Berechnungen, Messwerte, Simulationsresultate) \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Stoffdaten) \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Fehlerrechnungen mit Messunsicherheiten) \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Grafische Darstellungen, Fotos) \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Datenträger mit weiteren Daten (z. B. Software-Komponenten) inkl. Verzeichnis der auf diesem Datenträger abgelegten Dateien) \\ % chktex 8
%\qquad -- (Softwarecode) % chktex 8